Environmental Awareness
We are an environmentally aware company although it is sometimes very difficult to achieve this with a loud, gas-chugging Harley!
In New Zealand, we refer to Kaitiakitanga when talking about environmental awareness. Kaitiakitanga is integrated with the spiritual, cultural and social life of tangata whenua; is holistic across land and sea; includes people within the concept of environment; is locally defined and exercised; does not focus on ownership, but on authority and responsibility; and is concerned with both sustainability of the environment and the utilisation of its benefits. This concept of kaitiakitanga contains the purpose of the sustainable management of resources.
See more information on Kaitiakitanga.
At Bularangi we are aware that our Harleys are difficult to make more environmentally friendly, but we undertake initiatives to offset our carbon footprint that our clients leave in New Zealand.
Some of our initiatives are:
- Monetary and physical support for planting projects on our Maori family farm at Waihi.
- Purchase of hectares of forestry in Te Awamutu to offset our carbon footprint.
- Supporting a pest eradication programme on our Maori family farm at Waihi.
- Recycle tyres to use in the garden for growing vegetables and retaining walls. Have also used them to make outdoor tables, piled 5 high with plywood on top! We have also used them for training our niece's basketball team and developing their arm muscles!
- Provide aluminium drink bottles for our tour groups to cut down on purchasing of plastic drink bottles by our clients.
- Solar power for our home.
- Enviro cleaning products for our bikes and tour bus.
- Recycling bins at our Christchurch, Auckland and Waihi depots with our Waihi depot having a compost and worm farm to further support our environment.
- Use of recycled paper and recycled toilet paper at our depots and head office.
Tiaki – Care for New Zealand
In November 2018 Tourism Minister Hon Kelvin Davis announced this initiative on behalf of the group of companies: Air New Zealand, Tourism New Zealand, the Department of Conservation, Tourism Industry Aotearoa, Local Government New Zealand, New Zealand Māori Tourism and Tourism Holdings Ltd.
Tiaki encourages Kiwis and visitors alike to experience New Zealand in a way that keeps everyone safe, protects our environment, respects our culture and protects the country for future generations. Tiaki means ‘to care and protect’ in Te Reo Māori. Under the banner of Tiaki – Care for New Zealand the group launched the Tiaki Promise today, which outlines what travellers can do to care for New Zealand, travel safely and act as guardians of our land, waterways and oceans.
The Tiaki Promise communicates why caring for New Zealand is important and how to care for Aotearoa while travelling around the country. You can find more information at www.tiakinewzealand.com and share your support by using #tiakipromise.